“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms”
1 Peter 4:10
Women empowerment is one of WOD Initiatives that is facilitated by the Projects Coordination team. One of the founding goals of WOD is to engage in community service in some capacity with a focus on communities in Zimbabwe. We think of this work as a process that facilitates communication, involvement, and exchange with communities for social and spiritual development. To date, WOD contributes to projects in support of people living with Albinism, students in rural areas and grandmothers who take on caretaker roles in families affected by disease such as HIV/Aids. The projects coordination team is composed of project management process groups that assure the execution of various projects aimed to benefit vulnerable communities in Zimbabwe. WOD is in the process of organizing the first annual mission trip to Zimbabwe that will give volunteers an opportunity to participate in these projects and give back. Please consider making a financial donation to support this work. In addition, you may contact our projects team to learn more about other ways to get involved.
You can reach our team at: info@womenofdominioninternational.org
Grandmothers (or as we say in our native Shona, vanaGogo) are an integral part of society, yet they are often underserved and their stories untold. Death due to HIV/AIDS has left many Gogos to care for their grandchildren. WOD is committed to supporting these Gogos who are living below the poverty line and yet do not have a strong financial support system. We are currently running a needs assessment exercise that will provide guidance for what is most useful for these hard-working members of our communities.
Students are the future and in the developing world, most students reside and are enrolled in academic institutions that are in rural communities. We are aware that students in primary and secondary schools in the rural districts of Zimbabwe are often underserved and at WOD, we are committed to identifying students who can benefit from our philanthropic projects. We strive to provide students with much needed school supplies such as school supplies, back-packs, and personal hygiene items. Our team overseeing this project is arranging to better assess needs on the ground and then run some fundraising campaigns to support the work. The goal is to have some tangible outcomes that reveal how meaningful our contributions are.
Prevalence of albinism suggests the existence of tens of thousands of people living with albinism in Africa, some of them in Zimbabwe. Oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) is a genetically inherited autosomal recessive condition and due to the lack of melanin, people with albinism are more susceptible to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation exposure. This population must deal with issues such as photophobia, decreased visual acuity, extreme sun sensitivity and skin cancer. People living with albinism (PLWA) also face social discrimination as a result of their difference in appearance and the World Health Organization is currently investigating the issues concerning this vulnerable population. WOD recognizes the medical, psychological and social needs of this vulnerable population and is committed to contributing to ease the challenges of PLWA in Zimbabwe. WOD donates sun-barriers such as sunglasses, sunscreen and sunhats. The team spearheading this project is working to better understand how to provide meaningful support in terms of resources and social and spiritual empowerment.
I was put on this earth on God’s mission: To live a purposeful and intentional life according to His will; that means taking dominion, being fruitful, productive, and serving God’s people in His Kingdom.
I joyfully accept that God is in control. I sashay around town reflecting with each step that I was “fearfully and wonderfully made.” I am a woman of dominion because giving makes my heart melt faster than when I receive.
I believe that I have a God defined path to walk in His Kingdom. I know that this is a path easier walked in the company of other women of the same persuasion, as we rebuild broken walls.
I am most inspired by Women of Dominion by the opportunity to serve others as in our work supporting People Living With Albinism. The feedback from the recipients to whom we provide protect wear is heartwarming and emboldens our resolve to work harder with our advocacy for them.
I know that Christ has ALL authority, which means that His authority is limitless. I read somewhere that our authority as Christians “only extends as far as our submission to Christ”, and therefore, by His authority, I am blessed to bless others.
I am a visionary of this new decade, the mind of God useable at all times, the hands of God which touch the creation and cause change in people’s lives, the feet of God which bring glad tidings to the hopeless and discouraged. Therefore, I avail myself to be used by God in His Kingdom.” (Habakkuk 2:2-3)
I do what I do because I am reminded of Esther when she stood in the gap for her people in order to help them. Being a Woman of Dominion has helped me to never forget where I came from and to always give back to a place where God began with me.
I am called to serve all persons with vulnerability. My motivation comes from the servitude of my good Lord Jesus Christ, washing the feet of the disciples. I sincerely desire to serve and empowering people who experience trauma, tapping into their God given talents to boost them towards self-reliance & sufficiency (Deut 28:1-14)